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Timothy Morton Reading Group

English spoken

Morton’s books are an invitation to start thinking in an associative, playful way. And what better than to do this together? With our reading group we can pause, think and discuss Morton's ideas together.We will be discussing ‘Being Ecological’ (2018), also available in Dutch ‘Ecologisch Wezen’ (2018). Don’t expect this book to give you a summary of ecological facts and figures or an accusatory monologue, but rather a plea for handling ecological knowledge in a more sincere way.

Practical info

The reading group will take place on three Monday evenings in Eindhoven, and will be held in English, but please feel free to read this book in Dutch. Participation is free of charge and includes a free ticket to STRP Scenario #5: An Evening with Timothy Morton on 30 January 2020. STRP takes care of drinks and snacks.

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  • 9 dec
    19:30 – 21:00
  • 6 jan
    19:30 – 21:00
  • 20 jan
    19:30 – 21:00

Waar is het?

Torenallee 32-8