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Scenario #6 - The End of the World

(as we know it)

We have been living in the Wikipedia: AnthropoceneAnthropocene since the Industrial Revolution. It is a geological demarcation of the time in which mankind rules the Earth. We learned to dominate natural processes, and we deem ourselves superior to nature and the planet. We contribute to the change in the atmosphere and, so doing, we form an influencing factor in our planet’s future.

How do we view the future? What does the Post-Anthropocene look like? What happens if we seize being the leading factor of our surroundings, and we free ourselves from a philosophical superiority?

‘The end of the world is,’ in the words of Timothy Morton, ‘the end of the idea that humans are the only people who have a world on this planet’. This notion presents quite a challenge for us, and it might be impossible to fully grasp this universality. We will never know what it feels like to be a tangerine, a Mars rover, or a mouse. What we can do is think about other ways of coexisting, and where we stand in relation to non-humans.

At STRP Scenario #6, we will try to see ourselves in both an ‘other,’ and a ‘something’. We will not focus on dystopias and utopias, but we will use imagination, visualization, and vulnerability to explore the common connections between humans, objects, living creatures, atoms, and molecules. What does it mean to be a human, a plant or a planet?