STRP Call to ACT

— Award for Creative Technology

Are you a Dutch or international artist, designer or media maker with a fascination for creative technology and social change? Does your work stimulate imagination and contribute to new scenarios for the future? Join the call to ACT!

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STRP’s ACT Award aims to stimulate the production of new artworks, whilst also providing the opportunity to present works that resonate with our festival theme. For the 2021 edition of the ACT Award, there will be two prizes, with the prize-winners receiving a budget of €25.000 each. Alongside this budget, STRP offers productional guidance for the development and production of new work during STRP Festival, which takes place from April 8 to 11 2021 in Eindhoven, the Netherlands

Important dates:

  • Deadline for applications: September 30 2020 23.59 CEST
  • Announcement of winners: October 15 2020
  • STRP Festival: April 8-11 2021

STRP 2021: We All Are Asteroids

The development of ‘Scenarios for the Post-Anthropocene’ through art, conversations and education was the theme of STRP Festival 2020. Our 2021 festival edition, with the working title ‘We All Are Asteroids’, will be shaped by the post-anthropocentric thinking explored at STRP 2020. We are all asteroids- humans and non-humans are connected, we are individuals who are all part of one big collective.

In the past 10 years, the so-called ‘Me Age’ has come to a grinding end. The flip side of this dominant individuality has become visible: a loss of connection and security, of the feeling of belonging and being part of something bigger. Loneliness is one of the major social problems of our time. While digital technologies and the Internet are connecting us worldwide, the technological revolution has also contributed to the sense that personal connection is crumbling. People of all ages indicate that they miss ‘real contact’, because an increasing part of our lives unfolds in the digital world. We are all looking for a new collective, while at the same time we want to monitor what our individual needs, limits and conditions are.

STRP invites all artists to come up with scenarios for the Post Anthropocene that trigger our imagination.

Top image: Miyuki Oka - Ikitoshi, one of the winners of ACT 2020

The jury

Juliette Bibasse, Independent Curator, Bruxelles, Belgium
Ali Eslami, (VR) Artist, Iran (Based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Antonia Folguera, Curator Sonar+D, Barcelona, Spain
Sarah Bilson, Junior Curator, Montreal, Canada
Anca Verona Mihulet, Curator, Romania (Based in Seoul, South Korea)