The TU/e recently opened the Eindhoven Artificial Intelligence Systems Institute (EAISI, or rather: ‘easy’). The mission of EAISI is to gather data and analyse how it is used to make decisions in safety critical situations. EAISI will focus primarily on the use of data and algorithms in machines, such as self-steering cars. The institute will also focus on other things, including applications for the healthcare industry and the ethical aspects of artificial intelligence. STRP wants to know more about EAISI. What exactly will it be researching? What actually is intelligence? And how intelligent is artificial intelligence in reality? Plenty of reasons to have a chat with the director of this institute and other guests about these questions and the state of the ethical discussion around AI.
Moderator and host for the evening is Annemarie Wisse.
How intelligent is AI?
— STRP Scenario #3
Carlo van de Weijer
Carlo is the director of EAISI. He has extensive experience in the automotive industry, has worked for Siemens and TomTom and advises ministries about the future of mobility. Carlo is also head of Strategic Area Smart Mobility at the TU/e, where 230 employees are carrying out research.
Wijnand IJsselsteijn
Wijnand is a professor in Cognition and Affect in Human-Technology Interaction at the TU/e. He manages an active research programme that studies the impact of technology on human psychology. He is an expert in the relationship between data science, artificial intelligence, psychology and ethics.
Sanne Blauw
Sanne works for De Correspondent and writes about numerous topics including data, statistics and happiness. Her new book is entitled ‘The best sold book ever (with this title)’ and is all about how numbers lead us, seduce us and deceive us. Numbers are not as objective as they may seem. Sanne wants to put numbers back in their place, not on a pedestal, not in the trash, but where they belong: alongside words.
Frederik Duerinck
Frederik is a filmmaker, artist and designer and founder of Scentronix Inc. Frederik’s recent project is called Algorithmic Perfumery. After the participant/customer has completed an extensive and multi-faceted questionnaire, a personal perfume is compiled for them using 38 different ingredients. This art project is already a start-up and has a lot of interest from the international business world.
STRP Scenario is an on-going series of public talks that focus on the ethics of technology and the impact it has on individuals and society. Programme partners of STRP Scenario are Singularity University, MU and Fontys. STRP Scenario is made possible by contributions from the Regio Deal Brainport Eindhoven, Stimuleringsfonds, Brabant C and Stichting Cultuur Eindhoven.

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