Spacemakers is a program of STRP Education in which young people of different ages and education work together with an artist for a number of months. This year, the second Spacemakers group presents their exhibition McDommelsch: A Slow Drink Ritual, and the third group shows the first steps of their project!
STRP Onderwijs
A Slow Drink Ritual
Choice anxiety, speed delusion and over-excitation affect people at an increasingly younger age: it is high time to seriously consider the psychological wellbeing of the population at large. To this purpose McDommelsch will open its first location in a nation-wide chain of aquatic wellness centres on April 7th, 2002, in the Eindhoven Heuvel, where people of all ages can enjoy a revitalising deceleration.
The revolutionary treatment developed by McDommelsch has been inspired by age-old traditions in Greek baths and Central-European spas, that honour water as an element of relaxation and healing through communal consumption. From Japanese tea ceremonies McDommelsch derived the intense focus that arises in a refined series of predetermined gestures.
Guests of McDommelsch will receive individual guidance through a purifying drinking ritual aimed at physical and spiritual wellbeing. The ritual enhances the sensual receptivity of the silent participants until a moment of utmost concentration allows them to discover the beneficial qualities of locally sourced water.
McDommelsch made a very deliberate choice for Eindhoven as the location of its first wellness centre. It is in this city that the current velocity of the river Dommel is exactly equal to the speed at which blood flows through the human body. This coincidence will guarantee an optimal harmonisation of human and nature, as you can now soon discover yourself.
Project by: Imke Sloos, Marieke Cuijpers, Laurie Schreuder, Imke Antens, Camille Perraut, Joshua Kremers, Eveline Pieternella, Imke Rademakers and Wisse van Barschot
Concept: Imke Sloos, Woody Veneman
Sound design: Woody Veneman
Copy: Nanne op ’t Ende
7 Apr12:00 – 20:00
8 Apr12:00 – 20:00
9 Apr12:00 – 20:00
10 Apr12:00 – 20:00
How to get there?
Heuvel Galerie 133