With only two weeks to STRP Festival 2022, we would like to highlight our extensive STRP Scenarios programme for you! During the festival, STRP is collaborating with creative co-creators for a daily series of public talks that focus on the ethics of technology and the impact it has on individuals and society. Read more about STRP Scenarios in this article!

STRP Scenario #16: Interspecies Internet
7 April 2022 — STRP and co-creator Ayoung Kim invite artist duo Cream on Chrome, artist and writer James Bridle, media artist Sarah Grant, and artist Soyo Lee to explore how to integrate the datasphere into the natural world. We will discuss the extent to which the digital and natural worlds can merge and whether we can strengthen the current biosphere. STRP Scenario #16 will not only take place live in Eindhoven, but also in an underwater world designed by Ayoung in VRChat. So, you can participate in the metaverse as well! Read more about STRP Scenario #16 here!
STRP Scenario #17: Crypto Therapy for Mixed Crypto Feelings
8 April 2022 — STRP and co-creator Kyle McDonald set up guided therapy sessions for anyone who wants to face their own feelings regarding crypto currencies and NFTs. We ask questions about our confusion, excitement, frustration, financial anxiety, or even changing friendships due to the complex phenomenon of crypto currencies and NFTs.Please note that due to the nature of this event there will be no recording or livestream. You need a ticket for the online session due to limited capacity. Read more about STRP Scenario #17 here!
STRP Scenario #18: Infinite Conversations
9 April 2022 — STRP and co-creators Lundahl & Seitl and Untold Garden invite media philosopher Yuk Hui to reflect on the topics of non-human computer use and wilderness in the digital garden. Yuks keynote ‘Imagination of the Infinite: A Critique of AI’ will be followed by a conversation with the audience and philosopher Miriam Rasch. The programme is accompanied by an immersive experience in complete darkness, online and offline. Read more about STRP Scenario #18 here!
STRP Scenario #19: Counter Consideration
10 April 2022 — Co-creators affect lab and Faye Kabali-Kagwa give the floor to artists from South Africa, Kenya and Ghana as they explore their work and discuss their ideas of the future. Scenario #19 takes the form of a low-tech hybrid audio experiment mimicking the transistor radio. Stumble onto an audio-diary, a flash fiction, an intimate debate between makers, explore sonic soundscapes, or tune into a live conversation. Read more about STRP Scenario #19 here!
STRP is looking forward to seeing all your faces again: in person or in the metaverse! 👾