Another Green World
— with o.a. Bram Stadhouders, Jameszoo, Konduku and Amy Root
Another Green World is a combination of a soundwalk and small-scale live performances in a very special place. Experience the Philips de Jongh Park and Voedselbos of De Wielewaal like you have never seen or heard before.
Inspired by the legendary album of the same name by soundscape pioneer Brian Eno, six Dutch electronic acts composed two works each, easily findable on the map. The soundwalk is listener-driven: choose your own route to determine whose music you hear. No two visits will be exactly the same. With your headphones on walk at will to create your personal soundscape in the beautiful green world of the Philips de Jonghpark. Experience the park as never before!
The soundwalk app was developed by the Tilburg-based sound artists Strijbos & Van Rijswijk. Besides compositions by Jameszoo, Konduku, Amy Root and Bram Stadhouders, Mathilde Nobel and Strijbos & Van Rijswijk have written music for this app. Bring your own headphones and mobile device for the full experience.
Download the app for Apple and Android.

Another Green World is a collaboration between STRP and Unusual Suspects. Supported by Fonds Podiumkunsten, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds and Gemeente Eindhoven.
With many thanks to the generosity and cooperation of former Philips man and fellow townsman Jan Post.
How to get there?
Elburglaan 8
5651 EJ Eindhoven