Immerse yourself in alternative, non-western sounds of the future, learn everything about the potential of decentralisation and the future of the internet, and experience silence – does that exist? – in a silent STRP Scenario.
STRP Scenario is the in-depth program of STRP. Together with artists, thinkers, and you, we focus on the ethics of technology and its impact on individuals and society. STRP believes that the future is experimental and created together. To explore future scenarios, we work together with creative scenario co-creators to design and re-invent the traditional format of conferences. This year’s co-creators are futurist Pupul Bisht, design collective Foundation We Are, and artist and writer on noise Martina Raponi. During STRP Festival 2023, there will be a STRP Scenario on 13, 14, and 15 April.
STRP Scenario has a limited capacity, so get your tickets soon →

STRP Scenario #20: The Sound of Many Tomorrows
To change the future, we need to create new stories. STRP Scenario #20: The Sound of Many Tomorrows invites you to explore the future of storytelling. Join an immersive experience that invites you to listen deeply and connect with the more-than-human world.
This is also the opportunity to find out all about the ACT Award winners, whose work can be seen in the STRP Expo. Their artworks all represent a different sound than can be heard in the current Western discourse.
Co-creators of this scenario are futurist Pupul Bisht and 3D artist Ninaad Kulkarni. Together with the ACT Award winners: Hakeem Adam, artist collective KWAGO, and Juan Arturo Garcia, they take you through the power of storytelling in non-western oral culture. Read more about STRP Scenario #20 here!
STRP Scenario #21: Decentralised Collaborative Futures
STRP Scenario #21: Decentralised Collaborative Futures examines the shift from Web2 to Web3, the next iteration of the internet, integrating blockchain technologies, crypto and token-based economies. Web3 promises to be a decentral online world where individuals and communities own their data and digital presence. Together with artists, researchers, organizers and critics, we examine the potential of NFTs, DAOs and other Web3 principles.
STRP Scenario #21 takes the form of a learning community. In the run-up to STRP Festival we meet online on Discord where you can pose all your questions and concerns regarding Web3. Is Web3 a hype or hope?
Co-creator of this STRP Scenario is Foundation We Are, a design collective with a focus on social design. Speakers: blockchain artist Sarah Friend, UBERMORGEN artist lizvlx and researcher Michelle Kasprzak present The Crypto Purse, the feminist answer to the crypto wallet. Penny Rafferty, writer and researcher at Serpentine Galleries Blockchain R&D Lab and founder of Black Swan DAO. Will Rowe, founder of Protein, a token-based community of forward-thinking culture makers. Read more about STRP Scenario #21 here!
STRP Scenario #22: Silence: (im)possible absences
STRP Scenario #22 takes place in complete silence. We can perceive noise and we often experience it as negative or annoying. Silence, on the other hand, is considered as positive, as it is associated with calmness, peace, order. But what do we mean when we talk about ‘silence’? Because true silence is impossible. Silence is an impossible absence that, like noise, tells the stories of our personal and collective values. STRP Scenario #22: Silence: (im)possible absences is a search for different perspectives on silence – and noise.
Co-creator of STRP Scenario #22 researcher and artist Martina Raponi, who grew up with a deaf father and is expert in sound, and noise. STRP invites various speakers to dive into the complexity of silence together. Speakers: composer and writer David Toop. Véro Leduc, deaf professor who researches the cultural participation of the deaf and PhD student Sarah Heussaff who researches disability activist movements. Sound artist and researcher Ximena Alarcón with a Deep Listening performance about silence. Read more about STRP Scenario #22 here!
Following STRP Scenario #22, NRU (Noise Research Union) organises the workshop Exploring the Limits of Silence.
STRP Festival 2023 Closing Keynote: The Art of Listening – Miriam Rasch
Essayist and philosopher Miriam Rasch thinks it's time for an ethics of listening. In Western philosophy, the search for knowledge and truth is strongly linked to seeing: we must first see, then believe. What does it mean to really listen to each other? How can we listen with our whole body, to non-human animals, plants or ecosystems? What does an oral culture sound like? And what is the sound of silence?
During STRP Festival 2023 she will be all ears and reflect on her experiences and share a personal interpretation about the art of listening on the last day. Read more about the Closing Keynote here!
Free entrance with a STRP Expo ticket
Get your STRP Expo ticket here! →